Ambien Addiction Treatment and Rehab – What you should know

By The Recovery Village Columbus
Last Updated: October 27, 2022
Article Overview
- Important points to take away about Ambien addiction treatment
- Ambien is an addictive substance, but the risk is low for most people.
- If someone develops an addiction, it is treatable.
- Addiction treatment usually involves the phases detox, treatment and maintenance.
- While relapse is a normal part of the treatment process, good treatment will minimize its effects
- Evidence shows that the best treatment programs are at least 90 days
Understanding Ambien Addiction Treatment & Rehab
Ambien is a widely available prescription medication used to treat the sleep disorder insomnia. Someone with insomnia has trouble either getting to sleep or staying asleep, leading them to turn to medications such as Ambien.
The drug is a sedative-hypnotic medication, meaning it has both a calming effect, and it helps induce sleep. Despite being an effective medication for sleep, Ambien is a controlled medication.
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has classified Ambien as a Schedule IV medication, meaning that it has a low potential for abuse and addiction, but also has recognized medical uses. For people with no substance abuse problems, Ambien is not habit-forming; however, there is a risk of addiction for people with Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
If someone develops an addiction to Ambien, they become caught in a cycle of euphoria, crash and craving. The cycle becomes hard to escape, and Ambien addiction treatment may become necessary.
Addiction Treatment Centers
Substance abuse treatment generally breaks down into three main categories: detox, treatment and maintenance. These categories can occur on their own, or they can overlap, and each step must be followed in sequence when treating Ambien addiction.
- Medical Detox: Medical detox can happen in a hospital or emergency department (ED), an inpatient treatment facility or an outpatient treatment facility. Detoxification is the process of a drug (or toxin) leaving the body, and during medical detox addiction professionals are on hand to monitor and treat withdrawal symptoms. Detox begins with an initial evaluation of the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Medical detox continues with a stabilization phase where the medical team ensures that withdrawal symptoms do not cause medical harm. Finally, once Ambien detox is complete, the person is evaluated for readiness to enter addiction treatment.
- Residential Rehab: After detox, addiction treatment may begin in a residential treatment facility. Residential treatment is similar to inpatient treatment because the person lives at the treatment facility. However, they are allowed to leave and fulfill obligations like work and school, though they must attend daily treatment sessions. Ambien withdrawal symptoms are usually not severe enough to require inpatient treatment, and residential treatment may be the best option.
- Outpatient Rehab: For those with less severe addictions, treatment will start in an outpatient setting. Treatment can also continue here for those that have completed inpatient or residential treatment. People in outpatient treatment live at home and attend daily or weekly treatment and counseling sessions. These sessions may be individual or in a group.
- Dual Diagnosis: Dual diagnosis treatment is a type of specialized addiction treatment for people with a co-occuring substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental health disorder like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Symptoms of mental health disorders can overlap with symptoms of substance use, so addiction professionals that treat co-occuring disorders must be specially trained to treat both symptoms.
- Aftercare & Sober Living: Substance use disorder is a chronic and lifelong condition like asthma or high blood pressure. People with the most successful recovery continue treatment long past the first few months. Though relapse is common in SUD, those with the condition have a high chance of recovery if they stick to a treatment plan.
How Long Does Rehab Take?
Drug rehab programs can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. The most successful ones last at least 90 days and evidence shows that the longer the treatment is, the more effective it is.
Dropouts can happen in substance treatment programs, but this does not mean the treatment is a failure. In the same way, an asthma attack does not mean asthma treatment has failed, relapse is part of the process for some people’s treatment.
What Does Ambien Rehab Cost?
Ambien treatment and any substance treatment program vary widely in cost. To determine the exact price, a person should discuss pricing with the treatment facility directly.
For those in low-income situations, there are free and assistance programs available for people who need help with substance abuse treatment.
Does Insurance Cover Rehab?
Most insurance plans will cover drug rehab treatment, but this depends on the plan itself. People curious about their insurance coverage should call the number on the back of their insurance card to learn the details of their specific plan.
- Government Assistance Programs: Those seeking government assistance should start by contacting the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). SAMHSA is a federally funded entity that helps to establish, create and guide substance abuse treatment in the United States. SAMHSA allocated funds to Single State Agencies (SSAs), which are responsible for government assistance programs in each state.
- Sliding Fee Programs: Sliding scale programs charge based on the income of the person or person’s family. This type of program is run at the discretion of each treatment facility.
- Private Pay Programs: Private facilities tend to be more expensive than state-funded facilities. They will often require higher monthly payments out of pocket or from a person’s insurance company. However, private facilities have the advantage of offering more services and individualized treatment programs.
Choosing a Rehab Facility for Ambien Abuse
Choosing a facility may not be an option for everyone who needs treatment for Ambien abuse. However, if someone is able to weigh in on their facility of choice, they should consider the following:
- Location: The proximity of the facility to one’s home may change the type of treatment a person receives. Some may want to be close to home for their social support systems. Some may not have social support and would benefit more from removing negative influences near their home.
- Cost: The cost may be a limiting factor to treatment, but free facilities and low-income facilities are available in every state. Insurance also covers most substance abuse treatment plans.
- Methods of Treatment Provided: People with substance abuse involving multiple substances or a dual diagnosis may need a higher level of treatment than standard substance abuse. It is important to keep in mind that not every facility provides these services.
- Success Rate: A good way to measure the success rate is to both ask the facility and to speak with some of their alumni. Facilities with high success rates will usually maintain contact with people who have received treatment in the past to act as a resource for new patients.
- Duration of Treatment: Treatment facilities with a shorter duration of treatment have been shown to be less successful. For the most effective treatment, a facility should encourage a minimum of 90 days stay.
- Staff to Patient Ratio: The treatment facility should be able to answer questions about how many staff members they have for each patient.
Overcome addiction with evidence-based, expert care.
What to Expect when you go to Rehab
Rehab treatment can be a daunting experience, but knowledge of the process beforehand can make it more comfortable for patients. Days in rehab are typically very structured, and certain items may not be allowed. Any items that can hurt oneself or others, items that can invade the privacy of others (e.g., a tablet with internet access) and substances will not be allowed at most places.
Privacy may be limited, and most days are very scheduled. To maximize the experience, participants need to be honest and upfront about their substance use.
- Rehab Rules: Rules are put in place to help the healing process. They might seem restrictive, but they are not there arbitrarily. Treatment facilities know how rule-breakers think and doing so will often cause a loss of privileges and make life more difficult.
- What to Bring: Many centers will not allow devices with internet access, so bring a pen, paper and address book. Jewelry should be left at home. Prescription medications and an insurance card should be brought, and if you plan to make long-distance calls, a calling card might be necessary. Small amounts of cash, pictures and small hobby items are also a good idea. A person entering rehab should speak with the rehab facility for further suggestions.
What Happens After Rehab?
After rehab, a person begins maintenance treatment. During this stage, SUD is in remission, and symptoms are not present. However, to prevent the development of symptoms that lead to relapse, active participation in continued therapy is encouraged.
Treatment at this stage usually consists of group or individual therapy. Classes may also include mediation, art therapy or other positive stress release activities.
How Rehab Improves Addiction Recovery
A successful addiction treatment program has been shown to be an effective treatment for SUD.
Ambien can be a dangerous and addictive substance. If you or someone you know is struggling to stop taking Ambien, call The Recovery Village Columbus. We can help you navigate the often confusing waters of addiction treatment.
- DailyMed. “Ambien Package Insert.” 2019. Accessed Aug 8, 2019.
- Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. “Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment.” 2019. Accessed Aug 8, 2019.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Treatment and Recovery.” 2019. Accessed Aug 8, 2019.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. “How Long Does Drug Addiction Treatment Usually Last?” 2019. Accessed Aug 8, 2019.
- SAMHSA. “Directory of Single State Agencies (S[…]e Abuse Services.” 2016. Accessed Aug 8, 2019.
- SAMHSA. “National Helpline.” 2019. Accessed Aug 8, 2019.
- Psychology Today. “Seven Things to Expect When You Go to Rehab.” 2016. Accessed Aug 8, 2019.

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